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Submitted by LimboFeels to FridayNightHighJinks Ģ022.02.07 21:09 gaticuevapm RastaSwap - #1 Crypto Cannabis Ecosystem and a Bridge Between Traditional Market and Crypto Submitted by Celtain1337 to MortalOnline Ģ022.02.07 21:09 LimboFeels right so whats up with tabi, been a while idk So first of all, any tips/info about playing a mage would be greatly appreciated, and secondly, is it really that hard to solo stuff? I've also heard that it's pretty much impossible to solo anything as a pure mage build? The casting feels really great and I'm thinking about starting again, however being a mage seems pretty complicated. until I bought a spell book for fun and tried a few spells. I was pretty content playing my viking warrior style character with a pet wolf. I'm new to Mortal but a veteran MMO player. Submitted by TacoFlavordKisses to recruitinghell Ģ022.02.07 21:09 Celtain1337 Considering rerolling to a mage build (given that it looks like it'll be some time before Myrland is easily accessible) I don’t necessarily have an issue with providing it but I’ve never had a company ask for this. Today, they reached out and asked me to provide them with my past performance reviews (which are all very good). They asked for references which I provided but they haven’t called yet. I completely two rounds of interviews with a company recently, both went really well. Submitted by ItsReallyPete to blackcats Ģ022.02.07 21:09 TacoFlavordKisses Company asking for my past performance reviews Submitted by BullDogg666 to mycology Ģ022.02.07 21:09 ItsReallyPete If you look really close you can see a void! Munchies love to play hide’n’seek!

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Submitted by GradyGambrell1 to teenagersbutpog Ģ022.02.07 21:09 BullDogg666 Interesting! Submitted by FictionFantom to marvelstudios Submitted by DrGooch to deathguard40k Ģ022.02.07 21:09 FictionFantom Any retcons you’d like to see for mutants and/or mutant lore? Submitted by YogurtclosetExotic32 to veganfitness Ģ022.02.07 21:09 DrGooch Death Gourd Possessed 25 years old, have a hard time to know my exact tdee. Im 183 cm and 88 kg workout 4-5 days a week and an office worker. So do i just need to give it more time? and not give up after 1-3 weeks? But i really dont think so, because i havent been gaining weight fast or anything. But i cant lose my belly, i have been thinking if my metabolism is messed up. Now im sitting here, my training is doing great, 4-5 a week at the gym.

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But i always give up because my weight keeps going back up, like a rollercoaster. All this between 1-3 weeks, and my weight does go down, and then up and down again, the lowest i have been is at 87.1 from 88 kg. So the last year i have been trying to go down from weight at 88-89 kg, i have tried to count my calories, and i have really counted EVERYTHING, no little snack no little this and that. Submitted by SupaLucasPC to teenagers Ģ022.02.07 21:09 YogurtclosetExotic32 Why can i lose weight - to much of a quitter? 2022.02.07 21:09 SupaLucasPC A friendly reminder from this chip box.

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